12 December 2011

Construction of My Advert

This was the start idea of my advert. As you can see i have lots of images.

I kept the same concept of my advert but changed the layout of it, and some of the images. I was still not happy with this advert as there is lots of blank space.

I added a thicker border around my top images and also more text to try and make my page look more visually interesting; however i was still not happy with it.

I experimented with colour to try and cover up the white space, however the green was too over powering, and if it was a real media product would have been too expensive to print.

I much prefer this poster as the green fading make the page more eye catching and softer on the eye. However, the green font at the top gets lost into the green fading.  
This is my final product, am i proud of it but would have like more time to change a few more things. However, overall i am proud of it and things it is appealing and realistic.

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