08 December 2011

Construction of My Website

This is the start of my website, I used a layout given to me by the website, but i changed the colours to give it cohesion with my newspaper. I also added more headers and columns to make it more interesting. As you can see i am starting to add subtitles, and add in some stories.

I have now started to add pictures into my website. I added the header i used on my newspaper to give it cohesion. The images make the website look more interesting. I used the convention of using weather gadgets from real media products.

In the image i was starting to understand the website more and have added in another column to make the page more visually interesting, it also allows me to add more information on the page which real websites do as well.

This image was taken as i was nearing the end of completing my product. As you can see i have very little white space on the page and have added lots more story titles and image to make the page nicer to look at.

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