04 November 2011

Harrogate Advertiser Page 2 Semiotic Analysis

At the top of the page is a box showing what inside the newspaper this week, this is to show people what is in the paper, it also sells the newspaper, as before buy the newspaper people may look on the second page to see what they are buy, and they will see this. The box  could also be used as a content page, as it shows what stories are on certain pages, For example, Letters is on page 1 to 12.  There are also images in the box; this is making the page more appealing. Out of the 7 photos 5 of them have images of people in. The images of people show used to show that the paper is part of the community. This box is in the same colour as the masthead, this keep cohesion throughout the paper.

Along the side of the paper is the News Digest. These are stories that are not worth a lot of space but are important to the community. They also make the page seem fuller, which make the buyer feel like they are getting a lot for their money.

On the page 2 there are two or three main stories, normally with images. These stories are normally positive as people don’t like to hear bad things about their community. The images are relevant to the story, are bright and colourful to making the page more attractive.

 There are two adverts on the page, these make the newspaper money as they charge businesses to have an advert. The adverts stand out as they are colourful. Both adverts have an image or images of the product they are selling.

Each stories text is in the in the same font and text size, however the titles are in the same font but in different sizes and some are bold. This is done to keep the page consistent but also making it more appealing as there is more for the eye to look at with different size titles. Each story is separates with thin lines, which do not join up to keep the page flowing, but easy to read.

One story is in a grey box, this makes it standout and show that the story is different from the others. This also make the page interesting as it breaks up the white black and white space.

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