04 November 2011

Ripon Gazette Page 2 Semiotic Analysis

There are three main stories on page 2 in the Ripon Gazette. These stories are all positive and are all very different; this is to allow the paper to appeal to a wide audience. The top story has two images, one is computer generate, this is to show the audience the developing plans, but also makes the page more interesting as it is something different. Another main story has two images; both of these are of people. This show the paper is in touch with the audience and community, people may also be more likely to buy the paper if they know the person who is in the image. The other story also has a picture of a man, but flying a helicopter. This image has been used as people who are interested in the air force and flying will be intrigued to this story.

Images are used in the page as they break up the text and make the page easy on the eye. They are also used to draw people in, as someone may be interested in the image, and therefore will read the story.

Along the left side of the page is the news digest column. This is used for stories that are not main news, but are still important to the community. They also make the page look fuller, which make the buyer of the paper feel they are getting more for their money.

At the bottom left of the page is a box telling the audience what is in next week’s newspaper. This is done to make the reader want to buy the paper next week. The box is the same colour as the masthead on the front page. This brings cohesion though the paper, and also makes it stand out from the page. The colour also breaks up the page.

There are two adverts on the page. These are both colourful and bright, making them standout and also making the page not look as dull. Both images use different fonts from the newspaper making them look more interesting.

At the very top of the page is the date, and page number. This is there so people are easily able to find the page they want, and is also used to keep the newspaper in order.

All the stories fit on one page, this is done to if people loose, or take out a page it doesn’t ruin a story, as well as making the paper easier to print and write.

Each story is broken up with a thin mine, which to not join, this stops the page being busy and keeps the stories separate, simple and clean cut. The top story is surrounded with a bold line, this makes it standout. This is done because the story is important, but it also helps breaking up the page.

Each image has a caption which explains it. This is done to keep the images easy to understand and helps the reader.

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