11 September 2011

Local Newspaper Names and Definitions

Local Newspaper Names and Definitions.
Harrogate Advertiser - Advertiser is used as it means to make public announcements mainly to proclaim the qualities and advantages of a certain thing, as does the paper about Harrogate. IT shows it is a more positive newspaper.
Ripon Gazette - Gazette means newspaper or an official journal.
Yorkshire Post - Is to display an announcement publicly, as the newspaper makes announcement for the Yorkshire community.
The Huddersfield Examiner - An examiner study or analyses things, as the paper will examine Huddersfield.
Newcastle Chronicle - A chronicle is a record of events in chronological order. A paper could be seen as a chronicle as it records what happens in the town or city in order; it shows the paper would be very matter a fact and possibly more formal.
Trafford Messenger - A messenger is someone that carries and informs people of information, and a barer of news, this is what a newspapers purpose is.

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