29 September 2011

Story Ideas - Lyke wake walk challenge for Henshaw Collage.

17 young people from Harrogate completed the 40 mile, Lyke Wake walk on the Sunday, September 25 in aid of the Henshaw College.

The 17 friends decided to do the charity walk after a group of them visited the college with school. They recognised what a good job the charity was doing, with such limited resources.

Henshaw College is a school for the blind. It provides support and education to blind people in Harrogate and surrounding areas.

The group set off in the early hours of the morning on Saturday, September 24. They walked North to East, starting just north of Osmotherly. They camped overnight at the Eller Back camp site, to carry on their walk to the Raven Hotel Pub in Raven Scar. The trip took them 2 full days, walking at least 10 hours a day.

The group managed to raise £2000, which will be used by the college to by new resources for Henshaw College.

If you wish to make a donation to Henshaw College please make checks to or go on their website www.henshaw.college.harrogate.co.uk

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