29 September 2011

Story Ideas - Run away hamster

Bear the hamster was found rolling down Beech Road on Wednesday, September 28.

The runaway hamster had got out of the front door as Lucy Hall, 46, mother of 3, had left it open in the hot weather that hit Harrogate last week.  

Bear was later found in the afternoon by a Fran Southgate, 15, on her way home from school. “I saw a ball rolling down the road and wondered how it was moving as there was no wind. As I got closer I realised it was a hamster!”

Billy Hall, 7, the owner of bear, had returned home from school to find an empty cage. Having looked all over the house mum Lucy realised she had left the door open. After searching the street they had given up hope. However, Fran’s little sister, Lily Southgate, 8, knew Bear was Billy’s hamster and told took him to his worried home.

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