08 September 2011

Local Newspaper Questionaire

1.       Are you male of female?

o   Male

o   Female

2.       How old are you?

o   Under 20

o   21 – 30

o   31 – 40

o   41 – 50

o   51 – 60

o   61 – 70

o   71 – 80

3.       Do you buy a local newspaper regularly?

o   Yes

o   Once a month

o   Less than once a month

4.       If yes which one do you buy?


5.       What is the maximum you would be willing to pay for a local newspaper?

o   50p – 80p

o   80p - £1.00

o   £1.10 - £1.30

o   £1.40 - £1.60

o   £1.70 +

6.       Do you just read your paper on the day or purchase?

o   Yes

o   No, I refer to it several time that week.

7.       Would you buy more than one copy if you or your family and friends were featured in the newspaper?

o   Yes

o   No

8.       Do you prefer positive or negative stories in your local paper?

o   Positive

o   Negative

o   A mix of the both

9.       Which of the following content would attract you to buy the newspaper?

o   Politics/Council

o   Local events (e.g. Yorkshire Show/Culture Shock)

o   Life style Features (e.g. Gardening/Recipes)

o   Gossip

o   Fashion

o   Local perspective on national issues

o   Schools

o   New indicatives in the town

o   Sports

o   Property

o   Business

10.   Do you find the adverts in the local papers useful?

o   Yes

o   No

11.   How many people on average in your house read the local paper?

o   1

o   2

o   3

o   4

o   5+

Please list below their ages and gender


12.   What aspect draws you in to the paper?

o   Regular, loyal customer.

o   An exciting headline

o   Dramatic Pictures

o   Knowing that family and friends may be featured in it.

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